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- Julkaistu: 17.04.2010 17.04.2010
- Osumat: 10323 10323
Yhdistykseltä on kyselty kannabisallergiasta ja siihen liittyvistä oireista.
Erään henkilön mukaan kannabiksesta hänelle "tulee poltettaessa oireita mm. kurkun turpoamista, nieleminen vaikeutuu, yleistä kutinantunnetta kurkussa", eli maallikon korvaan vakavilta kuulostavia oireita! Eräs toinen henkilö kertoo olevansa allerginen kannabiksen siitepölylle.
Yhdistyksellä ei ole mitään lääketieteellistä asiantuntemusta, mutta tiedejulkaisuista löytyi seuraava viite, jonka voisi tiivistää lyhyesti toteamalla, että kannabis (kannabiksen lehdet) on vahva allergiaa aiheuttava aine ja voi vahvistaa muiden aineiden ja kasvejen allergisoivaa vaikutusta.
Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2008;146(3):195-202. Epub 2008 Feb 11.
Sensitization and allergy to Cannabis sativa leaves in a population of
tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)-sensitized patients.
de Larramendi CH, Carnés J, García-Abujeta JL, García-Endrino A,
Muñoz-Palomino E, Huertas AJ, Fernández-Caldas E, Ferrer A.
Unidad de Alergia, Hospital Marina Baixa, Villajoyosa (Alicante) and
Centro de Especialidades Foietes, Benidorm, Spain.
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BACKGROUND: Cases of allergy to Cannabis sativa have occasionally been
reported, but both the allergenic profile and eventual
cross-reactivity pattern remain unknown.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the allergenic profile of a population of patients from
Spain sensitized to C. sativa and to characterize the C. sativa leaf extract.
A total of 32 subjects were enrolled in the study: group A, 10
individuals sensitized to tomato, reporting reactions by contact or
inhalation to Cannabis; group B, 14 individuals sensitized to tomato,
without reactions to Cannabis; group C, 8 individuals not sensitized
to tomato and without reactions to Cannabis. Sensitivity to Cannabis,
tomato and peach peel, Platanus hybrida and Artemisia vulgaris pollen
extracts was measured by skin tests and specific IgE. Individual
immunoblots and inhibition experiments with a pool of sera were
RESULTS: All tomato-sensitized subjects (and 1 negative)
had positive skin tests to C. sativa leaves and hashish. Specific IgE
to C. sativa and peach peel was more common than to tomato. Immunoblot
experiments showed 2 prominent bands of 10 and 14 kDa and 2 weakly
recognized bands of 30 and 45 kDa. Tomato, peach and A. vulgaris
extracts inhibited most of the bands present in C. sativa. P. hybrida
inhibited only the high-molecular-weight bands.
Sensitization to C. sativa with or without symptoms is frequent among
patients in Spain sensitized to tomato. C. sativa leaves are a
potential allergenic source and their allergens may cross-react with
other allergenic sources from plants (fruit peels and pollen).
(c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel