- Tietoja
- Julkaistu: 23.02.2011 23.02.2011
- Osumat: 4791 4791
Lähde: ENCOD 15.2.2011, Amnestyn sivu
Helmikuun 17. päivänä vuonna 2009 Rifin alueen ihmisoikeusliiton puheenjohtaja Chakib El Khayari sai kolmen vuoden vankeustuomion ”Marokon valtion uhmaamisesta”.
Vuonna 2008 El Khayari aloitti menestyksekkään keskustelun kannabiksen laillistamisesta teollisiin ja lääkinnällisiin tarkoituksiin (http://www.encod.org/info/MOROCCO-OPENS-THE-DEBATE-ON.html).
Chakib El Khayari tunnetaan kansainvälisesti Amazigh kansan ja sen alueen läpi Eurooppaan pyrkivien afrikkalaisten siirtotyöläisten kulttuuristen oikeuksien puolustajana. Hänet tunnetaan myös tiedotusvälineille antamistaan lausunnoista, joissa hän ilmiantoi Marokon poliisin ja armeijan aktiivisen osallistumisen hasiksen laittomaan salakuljetukseen Eurooppaan.
le-de_news - mukana kuvamateriaalia aidosta salakuljetustilanteesta)
Chakib El Khayarin vankeustuomion kolmannen vuoden alkaessa Marokon virkamiesten painostamista pitää lisätä hänen vapauttamiseksi mahdollisimman pian.
Alla on kirjemalli, jonka voi lähettää Marokon kuninkaalle, lähetystöön tai EU:n parlamentin kansanedustajallesi. Tässä osoitteita:
Marokon suurlähetystö Suomessa
Ambassade du Maroc en Finlande Unioninkatu 15, 4th floor 00130 Helsinki
Suomen edustaja EU parlamentin Maghreb-ryhmässä: Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.
His Majesty Mohamed VI, King of Morocco Royal palace Rabat, Morocco (päivämäärä) Your Majesty, The sole purpose of this letter is to ask you to release Chakib El-Khayari, a human rights activist, unjustly condemned and imprisoned in Morocco since 2009. Chakib El-Khayari, President of the Human Rights Association of the Rif region and member of the Federal Council of the Global Conference of the Amazigh (CMA), was arrested by the Moroccan police on 17 February 2009 in his house in Nador. He has then been condemned by the court of Casablanca to a prison term of 3 years and to a fine of 753930 DH (or 68000 €) for the following motives : - «offense of the institutions», due to his public statements on the involvement of high ranking officials in the police, the army and the government ; As a Human Rights activist, Chakib El-Khayari has not done other than his duty to draw the attention of all concerned parties on the serious irregularities committed by the state services responsible for the fight against corruption and illegal trafficking of hashish. In the same time, he has not ceased to alert the public opinion on the degree of serious poverty of the peasants in the Rif and plead courageously in favour of the legalization of cannabis production in Morocco. - «violation of the codes for exchange and deposit of funds in a foreign bank without the authorisation of the Exchange Office». In fact, Chakib El-Khayari is the owner of a bank account in Melilla, Spain, on which he had deposited 225 euro at the time of his arrest, proceeding from the compensation of an article he had written for the Spanish newspaper «El-Pais». Chakib El-Khayari was condemned by virtue of article 265 of the penal code that foresees that «offense of the institutions is sanctioned with a prison term of between one month and one year and a fine of 250 to 5.000 dirhams». Supposing that Chakib El-Khayari is guilty, why is his punishment superior to the highest possible foreseen by the law? Nothing justifies the heavy sanction that has been applied to Chakib El-Khayari. It is a manifest act of repression that is contrary to the international instruments to protect Human Rights that were ratified by Morocco and in particular, the international agreement on civil and political rights between Morocco and the European Union. We denounce firmly the detention of Chakib El-Khayari and urge his inmediate and unconditional release. We remain, Majesté, sincerely yours. (nimi) (maa)